Personal Guidance for Living a Natural and Healthy Lifestyle
Your Comprehensive Naturopathic Medical Clinic!
The Natural Holistic Wellness Center, located in Monterey, California, is a family clinic providing coverage in the Monterey, Carmel, Seaside, Marina, and Salinas areas. We are committed to being your partner and providing you with high quality natural medicine and services that promote your total wellness and optimal health by using cutting edge science-based medicine and natural remedies passed on for generations. We also see national and international patients.
Vitamin B Shots
We offer B12 and B Complex intramuscular shots. Call and book today!
MIC Shots
MIC has been used to control body fat through lipid/fat metabolism, glycogen storage, plasma protein synthesis and detoxification. Methionine has lipotrophic properties causing a reduction in fats and lowering of cholesterol. Mithionine and Vitamin B2 are required in our body's production of choline, which aids in the emulsification of cholesterol, reducing potential arterial deposits.